

Thermo-insulating profiles for refrigeration

We extrude thermo insulating profiles applicable to simple and complex refrigerated systems

The field of application of refrigeration, has been and continues to be our core business where many of our standard profiles find use. We extrude thermo-insulating profiles that are applied to large refrigerated plants and community complexes: refrigerated cabinets, professional and domestic refrigerated furniture, cold rooms and refrigerated counters display shelving. In the refrigeration sector, equipment is characterised by the search for solutions to increase energy efficiency, and refrigeration profiles play a crucial role in improving performance. The study of sections and the use of plastic materials that can combine insulation and elasticity make it possible to optimise dispersion and consumption. Refrigeration profiles are made from special plastics FDA certified suitable for food contact and  resistant to low temperatures with low dimensional shrinkage.

Some of our profiles for refrigeration

PVC profiles sheet metal stop for refrigerated cabinets
Thermal bridge PVC profiles for refrigeration
PVC frame profiles for refrigerated cabinets
profili in pvc per celle frigorifere
PVC profiles for cold storages
Other applications
lavorazione profili plastica per illuminazione estrusi e coestrusi
lavorazione profili plastica arredamento profili estrusi e coestrusi per mobili
produzione profili pvc estrusi per serramenti
Window frames
produzione profili pvc per edilizia estrusi e coestrusi
produzione tubi PVC impianti elettrici e profili estrusi
produzione profili plastica biodegradabile viticoltura
produzione profili estrusi coestrusi plastici per la nautica
progettazione e lavorazione tubi plastica e profili estrusi per impianti sportivi
Sports facilities
profili estrusi in plastica per progetti speciali
Special projects