

Biodegradable plastic profiles and extruded tubes for agriculture

A new way of farming is possible using profiles made of environmentally friendly/biodegradable materials with excellent weather resistance but completely environmentally friendly.

Constant experimentation has led us to the development of multiple solutions in the field of agriculture application. The classic line of plastic profiles has been joined by extrusions made from environmentally friendly/biodegradable materials. These 100% environmentally friendly items are used for staples for vine rows, plastic tubes, hoses and braces.

Discover our profiles

tubo tondo standard pvc edilizia, illuminazione refrigerazione
Standard round tube for various applications
Other applications
profili estrusi termoisolanti refrigerazione
lavorazione profili plastica per illuminazione estrusi e coestrusi
lavorazione profili plastica arredamento profili estrusi e coestrusi per mobili
produzione profili pvc estrusi per serramenti
Window frames
produzione profili pvc per edilizia estrusi e coestrusi
produzione tubi PVC impianti elettrici e profili estrusi
produzione profili estrusi coestrusi plastici per la nautica
progettazione e lavorazione tubi plastica e profili estrusi per impianti sportivi
Sports facilities
profili estrusi in plastica per progetti speciali
Special projects